Hello there,
I'm writing to ask about the creation of 2 registration forms.
I read that is possible to create 2 or more registration froms using an hidden field and feeding it through the link at registration page (as explained here: https://www.easy-profile.com/support/dublepage-register.htmlhttps://www.easy-profile.com/support/dublepage-register.html).
So... I create an article and I putt inside 2 links:
- http://my-site.it/registration
- http://my-site.it/registration?usergroup=Istituto.
At the beginning I created a voice in my Main Menu > Registration that was loading the standard registration page (index.php?option=com_users&view=registration) so in the link above I were referring to that page.
But when I unpublished that link (because I want to have in Main Menu only 1 registration link pointing at article page I created with 2 custom registration links), the previous shortcuts don't work.
How can I remove/unpublish the normal joomla registration link making possible to have 2 registration link into an article?