We are evaluating Easy Profile and really like what we see so far.
We want to collect and display user information such as address, city, county, etc. We are also aware all of this information is in the Joomla User - plugin. We observe when this core plugin is enabled the "User Profile" tab is displayed with all of the Easy Profile Groups when editing a profile on the front end. The tab for "User Profile" is located on the far right of all of the tabs.
1. Can we use Easy Profile to add new fields to the Joomla core User - ProfilepPlugin? We want to add an avatar to it.
2. If not, should we re-create a set of Joomla core User - Profile plugin fields using Easy Profile and place them in a new Group then disable the Joomla core User - Profile plugin? What problems may this cause?
3. Can we change the location of the "User Profile" tab assigned by the Joomla core User - Profile plugin or will it always be on the far right?
Thank you,