Hello. Let me first thank you for your amazing product - we have been using easyprofile for a while now and are very impressed with its performance.
We now have a client that needs something more advanced and your Support forum/blog didn't show any such queries. I would kindly like to ask you if you can tell me if the below functionality can at all be reached using easyprofile and if so - how.
Each user (they are translators) in a database has a different set of working languages defined in their profile (we use selectlist multiple items for this so far). The languages are set into 3 categories: A, B, and C. The relationship between them is (in real life): A > B, B > A, C > A (but not C > B).
So, if e.g. a person translates from English (A) into German (B), this person also translates in a reverse direction (B > A). But if a person has a C language (e.g. Italian), they only translate from Italian into their A languages (e.g. English: C > A).
In my Search menu/module, I wish to display only search 2 fields: "Source language" and "Target language". Namely, this is the only way that a client searching for a translator will not get totally confused. Is there a way to set conditions/fields in such a way that when using Search (Users List (Table)) module/menu item), a filter would only display translators that match their criteria.
E.g.: A translators languages are: A (English), B (German, Spanish), C (Italian). A and B languages can be source and target but C can only be source for target language(s) A. We tried many options so far in your component but were unable to find a solution. If we separate languages in only 2 categories, we loose the exclusivity of the language C (C > A and not to B).
If I was in anyway unclear, please do not hesitate to ask for further clarifications. We would be vary happy if this could be done with your component.
Thank you very much for your support and ideas on this topic.
Kind regards,
Kreatik team
P.s.: we use the latest version of Joomla! and easyprofile.