1. interactifdesign
  2. Support
  3. Wednesday, July 02 2014, 06:12 PM
i spent to much time on it ...i need helps please.

i have 2 calendar fields.
i need to define this kind of conditions :
first field :
start of "financement" : (calendar field)
end of "financement ": ( calendar field)
i need to make some fields appear if "financement "exist on date of 2014-05-05.

Thanks a lot

PS : i don't know how to use skeleton. do i have to edit the php file ?
admin Accepted Answer
sorry this is not possible with a simple way. Keep in mind that Easy Profile is a profiler component.

Some Tips to do this:
You can create a combination of Javascript/CSS: use CSS to hide the elements (see screenshot), use Javascript to copy the value from "Init date end filter" to "End date start filter". See screenshot.
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