1. dr.sus
  2. General
  3. Thursday, November 05 2015, 12:09 AM

Is it possible to extend the list of custom fields in the EP field type selection?
I created a custom field and would like to make use of it in EP. In what folder should I place it so it would be accessible when I select a custom field type while creating a new EP field?

admin Accepted Answer
Is it possible to extend the list of custom fields in the EP field type selection?
Yes, it is possible, but now we not have a docs to do this.

I created a custom field and would like to make use of it in EP. In what folder should I place it so it would be accessible when I select a custom field type while creating a new EP field?
The folder is: administrator/components/com_jsn/helpers/fields/ (try to see existing field type file to understand how it is structured)
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  2. General
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