sorry for now this is not possible. For each field type is defined a SQL code to append in search query, you need to edit this code, you will find this code in /administrator/components/com_jsn/helpers/fields/fieldtype.php in function "getSearchQuery"
for example:
use the same alias for 2 (or more) text boxes...
you can change line 97 from
$query->where('b.'.$db->quoteName($field->alias).' LIKE '.$db->quote('%'.JRequest::getVar($field->alias,null).'%'));
if( $field->alias== 'my_text_on_multiple_columns' )
$query->where('b.'.$db->quoteName( "field1alias" ).' LIKE '.$db->quote('%'.JRequest::getVar($field->alias,null).'%').' OR b.'.$db->quoteName( "field2alias" ).' LIKE '.$db->quote('%'.JRequest::getVar($field->alias,null).'%'));
$query->where('b.'.$db->quoteName($field->alias).' LIKE '.$db->quote('%'.JRequest::getVar($field->alias,null).'%'));
this code enable on text field with alias "my_text_on_multiple_columns" search on columns "field1alias" and "field2alias"
NOTE: this code is not tested and not supported
Easy Profile is a profiler component (not directory component), so search feature are limited.