It seems I may have deleted the 'user name' field, because when I try to register, I get the error message that the user name needs to be filled in ... when it actually is. Is there a way to recreate this index field?
INSERT IGNORE INTO #__jsn_fields(`id`,`parent_id`,`level`,`title`,`alias`,`path`,`type`,`published`,`core`,`required`,`profile`,`register`,`lft`,`rgt`,`access`,`params`,`edit`,`accessview`) VALUES (3,2,2,'USERNAME','username','default/username','username',1,1,1,1,1, 2,3,1, '', 1,1)
Thanks ...filled in the requested information below. I don't assume you need access to the Joomla! administration folder, right?IF you can please send me backend access, maybe you have a problem with some Access Level