sorry this is not possible because Easy Profile extends Joomla user profile.
To do this you can
- remove "Edit Profile" button with template override (you can copy /components/com_jsn/views/profile/tmpl/default.php into /templates/your_template_folder/html/com_jsn/profile/default.php)
- Now edit profile link is gone but if you know joomla you can access to edit profile page directly with link, so you need to create a simple system plugin to block this page, you can insert some code like this:
public function onAfterRoute()
if(JRequest::getVar('option')=='com_users' && JRequest::getVar('layout')=='edit') die();
if(JRequest::getVar('option')=='com_users' && JRequest::getVar('task')=='profile.save') die();
or you can make some Joomla hack
To do this you need PHP and Joomla knowledge