sorry but I don't undestand what you want to do.
if you have a language constant called MYCONSTANT with this value
Hello administrator,\n\n
A new user has registered at %s.\nThe user has verified their email address and requests that you approve their account.\nThis email contains their details:\n\n
Name : %s \n
email: %s \n
Username: %s \n\n
You can activate the user by selecting on the link below:\n %s \n
then you can use this function to replace "%s" texts with your values:
$output=JText::sprintf ( 'MYCONSTANT', 'Jonh Doe' , 'Jonh Doe' , '[email protected]' , 'jonhdoe' , 'http://somelink' );
$output will be:
Hello administrator,\n\n
A new user has registered at
Jonh Doe.\nThe user has verified their email address and requests that you approve their account.\nThis email contains their details:\n\n
Name :
Jonh Doe \n
[email protected] \n
jonhdoe \n\n
You can activate the user by selecting on the link below:\n
http://somelink \n