see now at
What I do
- disabled "System - AJAX Register" plugin (I do not know what it does, but it removes all of my script component).
- set conditions on Usergroup field (see at Components->Easy Profile click on Usergroups field to see the configuration of conditions)
- If you want to remove Username go to Components->Easy Profile->Options and set Login Type on Only Email
- If you want menu item for each usergroup registration you can do this:
- Create hidden field "Usergroups Hidden" with same condition of "Usergroup" field.
- Remove Usergroup field
- Create menu item of type System Links->External URL and set in link parameter index.php?option=com_users&view=registration&usergroup_hidden=1 to set registration for advertisers
- Create menu item of type System Links->External URL and set in link parameter index.php?option=com_users&view=registration&usergroup_hidden=2 to set registration for coupon_merchants
- Create menu item of type System Links->External URL and set in link parameter index.php?option=com_users&view=registration&usergroup_hidden=3 to set registration for ninja
docs here:
Radio(or select) for choose group is more powerful than Ajax Registration Usergroups because:
- The group ID is not displayed on HTML code
- You can choose the label for Groups (not only group name), also you can use the language constant to set different label for different language (you can set the constant value from Extensions->Language Manager->Overrides)