Hello - you recently helped me with a minor issue with newly installed Easy Profile displaying bullet points next to buttons but I am having a number of issues which I wonder if have a common cause. I have also moved the site online so you can access it and take a look (you offered to do this before :-)
The issues I see and questions I have are as follows:
1. Occasional blue bullet points - this has now gone from the view profile page but appears on edit profile at the top.
2. I have turned on the Tab option but the view details page does not appear in tabbed format and the edit profile is tabbed but lacks formatting
3. When displaying easy profile content of modules the formatting of my module blocks changes (the headings get much bigger) if you go from About Us -> Mission Statement (Joomla single article) to Member - Your Details (Easy Profile >> Details) you can see this. I also get this effect if I publish the Easy Profile Search module (currently unpublished, position-5)
4. I can upload a graphic avatar on the edit profile page but was expecting editing abilities ?
5. I have some large text fields - multi line, I need to add to the profile. How can I get those specific fields to be multi line?
I have added my site details, it is offline, not yet live and I have regular backups up to current :-)