1. Zephyrinus
  2. Support
  3. Tuesday, May 20 2014, 02:45 PM

First of all; thank you for adding the usermap module. Great work.

I do have some questions though.

Is that an other way to call for the functionality? without using the module?

I would like to show the map within other places within my website. Can i call for the map with an certain command? And will i be able to add parameters to it like within the module?

Thanks in advance

With regards,

admin Accepted Answer
Is that an other way to call for the functionality? without using the module?


I would like to show the map within other places within my website. Can i call for the map with an certain command? And will i be able to add parameters to it like within the module?

Some Tips:

You can insert the module in article (or where is trigger content plugin) for example:
- create a module and set this in position custom1
- insert in article text this string {loadposition custom1}

You can override module template for adding your markers.
- copy the file modules/mod_jsnmap/tmpl/default.php in /templates/your_template_directory/html/mod_jsnmap/custom.php
- Now you can edit the file custom.php to add your markers on the map (required basic PHP/Javascript Knowledge).
- When you create a module User Map you can choose in parameter Advanced->Alternative Layout the custom.php
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
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