1. techjoomla
  2. General
  3. Thursday, November 06 2014, 02:28 PM
Hello Guys,

I am using easy-profile in one of my project. I want to change the styling of tabs given in the easy profile while editing the profile.

Instead of tabs, I want to user accordion while editing the profile. Is there any provision to change the styling in easy-profile?
If it needs any custom changes then how to process?

Please guide me through this critical scenario.

Thanks in advance
admin Accepted Answer
Easy Profile extends Joomla user component, so the registration page is the same of Joomla (custom fields are generated by our user plugin).

The tabs are produced through a javascript code.

So I think the best way is this:
- Disable Easy Profile Tabs
- Copy /components/com_users/views/registration/tmpl/default.php into /templates/your_template_folder/html/com_users/registration/default.php and edit this file to make accordion blocks, you can use Bootstrap style (see docs http://getbootstrap.com/2.3.2/javascript.html#collapse )
- You can do this also on edit profile template, so copy /components/com_users/views/profile/tmpl/edit.php into /templates/your_template_folder/html/com_users/profile/edit.php and edit this file.
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  2. General
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