1. basicmatica
  2. Support
  3. Monday, September 08 2014, 12:20 AM

Can you please help me letting me know how to make that a field is only editable in the front-end by administrator?

If it's not possible, is there any way to have a non-editable field that takes the data from another field? E.g., if I create a field, "Name", editable and visible only for administrator, and then a non-editable field visible for user, also named "Name", is it possible that this last one takes data from the editable one I created before?

Thanks in advance for your help,

admin Accepted Answer
sorry for late reply we have tried to find a simple solution to do this, but we could not, The only way is to make some plugins to do this but required PHP and Joomla Code Knowledge.

Can you please help me letting me know how to make that a field is only editable in the front-end by administrator?
Sorry this is not possible, you can set a field to not visible on edit and this field is editable by admin but on backend.

If it's not possible, is there any way to have a non-editable field that takes the data from another field?
Sorry but Easy Profile extends Joomla user management (not replace like Community builder or Jomsocial) and this have a limit. When you edit the user from frontend.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
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