It may be something related to an earlier question that I've made yesterday, but I thought that it would be better to ask anyway.
What I did:
- Created 2 Joomla Groups:
- Pilotos
- Promoters
- Created an ACL to:
- Pilotos (only Pilotos Joomla Group can see)
- Promoters (only Promoters Joomla can see)
-Created two group fields:
- Pilotos e equipes
- Promoters
- Set ACL for each fields Group:
- Pilotos e equipes - Only Pilotos have access
- Promoters - Only Promoters have access
Now, the issue:
User "Alex" belongs to Joomla group Pilotos, user "BluWeb" belongs to Joomla group "Promoters". If I edit the user Alex in the backend, the fileds for "Pilotos e equipes" are there and I can edit them, the fields for group "Promoters" are hidden (It's OK, this is what I wanted). If I edit user "BluWeb", only fiields for "Promoters" are visible and editable (again, this is correct).
But if I go to the frontend, and I try to edit the profile of the user Alex, the fields for "Pilotos e equipes" and hidden. I can edit only the basic.
Any tips?