1. standupgirl
  2. Presales Question
  3. Wednesday, November 09 2016, 04:39 PM

I have jomsocial, easyblog, komento and kunena. We want to get away from jomsocial so will the jomsocial bridge pull the information I need and then I can disable and delete jomsocial? We have 25000 users and I don't want to loose the avatars that users uploaded that show in Kunena.

Can you give me the install process of easy profile to achieve the desired results that includes the addons for the other components. I want to hopefully eliminate potential issues in this process.

Thank you for your reply,

admin Accepted Answer
JomSocial Bridge allow to get Easy Profile avatar for some component compatible with Jomsocial (like easyblog, komento). Instead Kunena have own plugin that make compatibility with Easy Profile.

Anyway, all these plugins allow you to get Avatar from Easy Profile, but your users does not have a Easy Profile avatar.

The solution is to import Avatar from Jomsocial to Easy Profile:
1. Make a backup (always recommended)
3. In Easy Profile components (Administration->Components->Easy Profile) click to button "Sync Users" (this will create users in Easy Profile DB table)
4. Make a script to copy path of avatar from Jomsocial users DB table to Easy Profile users DB table (for Easy Profile is a column "Avatar" in the table "#__jsn_users";). NOTE: This require PHP dev skills
5. Try if avatar works in Easy Profile (for example you can check some user from Administration->Users->Manage)
6. Remove Jomsocial BUT you need first to ask to jomsocial support if this operation remove DB data and Avatar Files (I hope not)
7. Install Jomsocial Bridge
8. Configure EasyBlog and Komento to use Jomsocial (but probably it is already so)
9. Configure Kunena Easy Profile plugin from


- Procedure above is not tested :(
- We not have a big experience with Jomsocial
- I assume that now you use Jomsocial Avatar for all your components
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 1
standupgirl Accepted Answer
Thank you so much for your help and how too.......

Oh boy........#4 will be a problem for me with no php dev skills.

I will most likely will be removing Easyblog and komento too. So if I do that, then i won't need the jomsocial bridge i assume?

Can one subscription be used on my test site and live site?

Kindest regards,

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 2
admin Accepted Answer
I will most likely will be removing Easyblog and komento too. So if I do that, then i won't need the jomsocial bridge i assume?
Yes, you do not need Jomsocial Bridge. Kunena have a built-in plugin that make integration with Easy Profile.

Can one subscription be used on my test site and live site?
Yes, you can install and use Easy Profile on multiples sites. And use it for lifetime.
After expire subscription you will cannot download updates.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 3
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