1. bitbotbox
  2. Support
  3. Monday, July 27 2020, 03:03 AM
I want to hack the backend of Joomla to show the "lastname" and "firstname" column from Easy Profile in Users Manager.
Can you help me, please?
Thanks in advance.
admin Accepted Answer
you can do this by adding in user row the extra fields with own API (see docs at http://docs.easy-profile.com/index.php/article/jsnuser-object), the file to edit is /administrator/components/com_users/views/users/tmpl/default.php. Alternatively, instead to edit a Joomla core file, you can create an override for this file by coping it to /administrator/templates/isis/html/com_users/users/default.php.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
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