I have an issue with exporting data, whether it is in importable or readable format.
Where text areas have been used, there are new line characters embedded in the text. When exporting to CSV, this then appears as separate lines. I am doing a fair bit of mucking about to stitch the records back together for processing.
Is there any setting which will cause the new lines in text areas to be replaced with some code, such as an html <br/> which would mean the export from that field would all be in one row and the record would be much easier to process? I'm sure someone else must have had this issue before, and I am just wondering what I am overlooking?
Alternatively, if there was some kind of end-of-record marker then the file would be easier to process, treating intervening new lines as contents from the text.
Any advice would be much appreciated. I only have 250+ records loaded at the moment, but will have several thousand within a month or two, and it will become increasingly cumbersome.