sorry for late reply, it is due to weekend and holiday
Unfortunately we does not have experience with Breezing Forms, anyway there are 3 ways to retrieve Easy Profile data:
1) JsnUser object
if Breezing Forms allow you to retrieve data from a PHP code then you can use a code like this:
return $user->getValue('field_alias');
docs at
2) Content Plugin
if Breezing Forms allow you to retrieve data from Joomla content plugins then you can use a syntax like this:
{user field_alias raw}
docs at
3) Database
if Breezing Forms allow you to retrieve data from DB then you can use a query like this:
SELECT field_alias FROM #__jsn_users WHERE id = user_id
Based on my reply you should ask to Breezing Forms developer if it allow at least one of these possiblities.