Although that would still limit the extension (I don't see any way to create a condition to check to see if a value is 'between 2 dates' or 'between 2 values'), it would solve the issue that we presently have.
Sorry but I disagree with you, with my idea this is possible, example:
date between 2 dates (2000-2010):
Condition 1
Operator - Greater than
Compare with - Custom Value
Custom Value - 2000-01-01
Target Field - choose fields
Target Action - Show
Two Ways: Yes
Condition 2
Operator - Greater than
Compare with - Custom Value
Custom Value - 2010-12-31
Target Field - choose fields
Target Action - Hide
Two Ways: No
CASE 1: with value minor than year 2000:
Condition 1: not met, so hide fields
Condition 2: not met, so do nothing
Result: fields hidden (correct)
CASE 2: with value greater than year 2010:
Condition 1: met, so show fields
Condition 2: met, so hide fields
Result: fields hidden (correct)
CASE 3: with value between 2000 and 2010
Condition 1: met, so show fields
Condition 2: met, so do nothing
Result: fields show (correct)
With this are possible all combinations.
Anyway as I already said something like Custom Query is not possible.
Do you have any idea how soon that might be added?
(Or could you provide us with beta code to help you test? We are still developing our site so we could help test it.)
Sorry we not have any code to test, this is only an idea. we will add this on your TODO list, but we not have a timeline.