1. Zephyrinus
  2. General
  3. Thursday, December 18 2014, 01:40 PM
Hi Easy-profile,

Is there a way to create a link such as.

To change your avatar "click here"

where "click here" links to #tab1 ?

I can't get is done by just <a href="#tab1">


With regards,

admin Accepted Answer
to do this you can put in your javascript file this code
var url = document.location.toString();
if (url.match('#')) {
jQuery('.nav-tabs a[href=#'+url.split('#')[1]+']').click();

Now in HTML delimeter you can use a simple link with this format in url

you can use url to edit profile page and add at the end of url #tab2 or you avatar tab
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 1
Filipe_Madeira Accepted Answer
Hi there,

I've tried this but won't work...

I've set in edit.php file in com_jsn, nothing, and in my custom.js and nothing...

How can I make this happen? thanks!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 2
admin Accepted Answer
I've set in edit.php file in com_jsn
edit.php is in "com_users" component not "com_jsn". This because Easy Profile extends Joomla user management, so registration and edit profile pages are the same of Joomla.

and in my custom.js and nothing...
Can you please post me your site link to check this?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 3
[email protected] Accepted Answer
Content Protected
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 4
admin Accepted Answer
can you please post me our site link to check this? if you want to keep private then you can use the form below the reply in "Site Details" tab.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 5
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