I dont understand what gender is.
"gender" is an example. for example I have a field like this:
Title: Gender
Alias: Gender
Type: Radio
to make a list of males I can put in SQL Custom Where something like
to make a list of females I can put in SQL Custom Where something like
to make a list of all users that have specified Gender field something like
gender LIKE "_"
to make a list of all users that have not specified Gender field something like
gender = "" OR gender IS NULL
More examples in our docs page at
I dont know if that is possible.
I think yes, SQL is very flexible.
What would be the exact code to make the fields work?
Please specify
- alias of field
- type of field
- if type is Radio, Checkbox or Select I need also Options
- Explain me what you want to do with User Lists with examples.
otherwise I can not supply the syntax.