I am using cobalt 8 in my site. My situation is as below:
currently i am using easy social to create multi profile. I have around 8 profiles created. The issue is:
when user sets the privacy while creating their account, i need to show it accordingly within cobalt record details page.
So here is an example. The user has set his address to be private, then in this case the address wont be displayed in cobalt record details page. Similarly if user sets his address as public, then address will show to everybody on cobalt record detail page. Also if user sets privacy as registered members, it will show to only regd members.
Also would like to know how is it integrated well with cobalt8. any url with example if there will be appreciated.
The issue with easysocial is it is difficult to display in cobalt record details page.
I need a very quick answer to take decission on whether to buy easy profile or not. so awaitng ur answer.
url for cobalt record detail page is as below:
screenshots also attached where it needs to be displayed as per privacy settings.