1. Send personal message from profile page.
2. List articles on profile page
3. List groups user belongs to on profile page
4. Send messages to entire group from profile page
I really want to ask for new features in the SNP (or invite their participation in the module development, or pay for the creation).
Required functionality referendum (poll).
Opinion poll can be two types of time for:
- Until the vote all respondents;
- Take place in a certain time, for example, from 01/01/2016 10:00 to 01/07/2016 20:00.
Opinion poll can be two types of participants:
- In the opinion polls are open to all (if public opinion poll created in the group, then only group members can take part in it);
- A list of friends, which the author chooses poll.
The system likes can not provide proper will of party or community.
It is very important for a functional society. I can take part in the development of the module (maybe I can realize the full module). I want to poll module supplied SNP, so I want to perform development unit is compatible with the plug-in authors.