Hi Guys
Just want to first thank you for creating Easy Profile. I am so glad I don't have to resort to those two overpriced and over blown components again...
Right now, the only limitation of EP is how extensive it is supported by other 3rd party extensions. Right now, one of the key extensions I am using can only extract phone # and other fields from Joomla's User Profile plugin or CB/JS, and the developer has confirmed that is not practical for them to support EP. So, I like to know how I can combine EasyProfile with Joomla Profile plugin into one seamless registration form. The field that is of particular interest is the phone #... I know EP and Joomla User Profile can co-exist without conflict, but it's not clear how I can mix fields together without breaking good user experience.
Ultimately, I just need to use Joomla User Profile's phone field in the user record, but I like to retain as much EP as possible. So what's the best way to enable that?
Thank you and I look forward to your advice!