what I want is to give the user the possibilite to change the language
you need to use Joomla multilanguage feature. This is not something that regards Easy Profile. Languages are managed by Joomla.
For example:
when Joomla language is set to english then social network plugin will use translation from file: /plugins/jsn/socialnetwork/app/Locale/
en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/default.po (this file already exists and you does not need to change it)
when Joomla language is set to french then social network plugin will use translation from file: /plugins/jsn/socialnetwork/app/Locale/
fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/default.po (you should create and add translations)
when Joomla language is set to german then social network plugin will use translation from file: /plugins/jsn/socialnetwork/app/Locale/
de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/default.po (you should create and add translations)