1. PhoenixUK
  2. General
  3. Saturday, August 06 2016, 05:42 AM
Hi There,

I'm using EasyProfile alongside MembershipPro from Joomdonation and all is working fine. I have a rather long registration form, as it needs to capture detailed data from the outset of my clients and before they're accepted for an account on my site.

However, I want to put EasyBlog's 'Team Blog' to use and have guest bloggers write for my site.

However, they would also have to be registered members of my joomla site but this may or may not be a problem, as I am hoping that with EasyProfile, I can create new registration fields and in effect have a secondary registration system that is for the guest bloggers, separate to the main in depth full on one I currently have.

Are multiple registration forms, linked to a specific Joomla ACL Group possible please?

PhoenixUK Accepted Answer
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PhoenixUK Accepted Answer
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admin Accepted Answer
sorry for late reply, it's a weekend for us.

how I can show this user group chooser on my registration page?
You can create a Select field type with 2 options:

guestBlogger|Guest User
payingClient|Paying Client

On this field you can set 2 conditions:
with conditions you can assign usergroups and also hide/show fields, so for example you can use conditions like these:
Condition1: if equal to Custom Value "guestBlogger" add to usergroup "Guest Blogger" and show fields for Guest Blogger user
Condition2: if equal to Custom Value "payingClient" add to usergroup "Paying Client User Group" and show fields for Paying Client user

Are multiple registration forms, linked to a specific Joomla ACL Group possible please?

Yes this is possible, Instead a select with 2 options you can create 2 different registration forms with a simple Trick, try to read here: https://www.easy-profile.com/support/dublepage-register.html
  1. more than a month ago
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PhoenixUK Accepted Answer
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admin Accepted Answer
you can create a simple select field and with condition you can add/remove from usergroups.

But keep in mind that you have enabled parameter "Two Ways" condition may create conflicts, for example

Condition on hidden field:
if equal to "group1" add to usergroup Group1, Two Ways effect: otherwise remove user from Group1

Condition on select field
if equal to "option1" add to usergroup Group1, Two Ways effect: otherwise remove user from Group1

Now hidden field condition will be always ignored, because select field condition add/remove from usergroup Group1 (this depends from the order).

in general, this is possible but you need to predict the effects of all conditions.
  1. more than a month ago
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PhoenixUK Accepted Answer
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  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 6
admin Accepted Answer
I have disabled field "Newsletter" and now works, this is a delimiter field that load a module with inside another HTML form. So you have a html form inside another html form, this cause the problem.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 7
PhoenixUK Accepted Answer
I have disabled field "Newsletter" and now works, this is a delimiter field that load a module with inside another HTML form. So you have a html form inside another html form, this cause the problem.

Ah right, so we can't load any joomla module within the easy profile fields and form? That's a pity, as it enables one to position certain helpful to the end-user forms in specific areas of our registration forms.

For e.g. in the UK the Data Protection Act / Privacy Acts require businesses to give end users various options on how their data is collected and naturally these fields or options, features would need to be placed in a specific area of a registration form that flows and one makes sense to the end-user but complies with the various legal frameworks.

Anyway, moving on - I need to try and setup a triple registration setup now with 3 user groups requiring their own... I will see how I go but come back to this thread if I get stuck, is that ok please - as I REALLY need to get this registration system nailed now urgently.

Thanks in advance.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 8
admin Accepted Answer
Ah right, so we can't load any joomla module within the easy profile fields and form?
No, this not depends from Easy Profile and Joomla Modules, you should not include a HTML FORM into another HTML FORM in all websites.

The best way to collect data in registration form is to develop a Joomla User Plugin and not by including a module.

Another solution is to add a radio field called "Newsletter" (alias "newsletter";) with the options:

after this you can develop a simple plugin based on your skeleton plugin, follow these steps:
1. Download, install and enable out skeleton plugin (downloadable at http://docs.easy-profile.com/index.php/article/triggers)
2. Open file /plugins/jsn/skeleton/skeleton.php
3. Remove samples functions: triggerFieldAvatarUpdate, triggerProfileUpdate
4. Add function like this:

public function triggerProfileUpdate($user,&$data,$changed,$isNew){
if ( isset( $data['newsletter'] ) ){
$value= $data['newsletter'];
if( $value==1 ) {

NOTE: this code is not tested and not supported, this is only for example purpose, you need to have PHP and Joomla devs knowledges.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 9
PhoenixUK Accepted Answer
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  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 10
admin Accepted Answer
in condition you need to set "Two Ways" parameter to "Yes".

Now conditions work so (without 2 ways)
if equal to custom value "empty" show "stupulation of registration", "Other Type",.... fields

Instead with 2 ways conditions work so:
if equal to custom value "empty" show "stupulation of registration", "Other Type",.... fields OTHERWISE HIDE "stupulation of registration", "Other Type",.... fields

Now your conditions do nothing because both conditions only show fields but never hide.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 11
PhoenixUK Accepted Answer
in condition you need to set "Two Ways" parameter to "Yes".

Now conditions work so (without 2 ways)
if equal to custom value "empty" show "stupulation of registration", "Other Type",.... fields

Instead with 2 ways conditions work so:
if equal to custom value "empty" show "stupulation of registration", "Other Type",.... fields OTHERWISE HIDE "stupulation of registration", "Other Type",.... fields

Now your conditions do nothing because both conditions only show fields but never hide.


My apologies but I keep re-reading your message above but it just doesn't seem to be making sense to me (Probably my fault to be fair) can you help me with the correct set-up in my backend, as I think I need some help this time around - if you can even just get it set-up how i need it to be with one or two fields for the guest blogging double registration system and then I can learn how you've done it exactly and move forward with putting the rest of the form and content together for it?

I look forward to hearing from you.

  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 12
admin Accepted Answer
My apologies but I keep re-reading your message above but it just doesn't seem to be making sense to me
It is simple, with Two Ways you have also inverse condition. So for example condition like:
- Operator: equal
- Field to compare: custom value
- Custom value: value1
- Target Field: Field1
- Target Action: Show

With Two Ways set to No
if condition is met then Field1 will be shown, and if condition is not met then it do nothing

With Two Ways set to Yes
if condition is met then Field1 will be shown, and if condition is not met then it hide Field1 field

can you help me with the correct set-up in my backend
Now it seems already ok. Only one thing, now your usergroup field hide first tab in registration form for bloggers. So you will see blank page and you need to click on first tab to start registration process (see screenshot).
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  1. more than a month ago
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PhoenixUK Accepted Answer
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PhoenixUK Accepted Answer
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  3. # 15
admin Accepted Answer
sorry for late reply, we lost your last question :( . Normally we reply in maximum 24 hours, sorry for this.

Keep in mind that Easy Profile extends Joomla user management (not replace), this add some limits:
- Firstname,Username,Email must be always available (now you can hide these with conditions). To avoid this you should not be able to select these fields in the conditions, have you change something in the code?
- Captcha is always on the last tab, so also if you hide all fields, the tab will be always visible

About screenshot guest_blog_register_page.PNG: Registrant Detail contain core field like Username,Email,... so you can't hide this.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 16
PhoenixUK Accepted Answer
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  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 17
admin Accepted Answer
Remove Captcha
You can disable captcha from Administration->Users->manage->options

If only I could hide the 'Registrant Detail' registration tab on this one
Sorry this is not possible, all core fields that compose a name are mandatory. Now you want to have only "Author's First Name" and "Author's Image" fields, but this is not possible. You can't use Easy Profile as Form manager, the purpose of Easy Profile is to extends Joomla registration.

I thinks you need to use different approach, for example you can use a tab with mandatory fields for both registrations.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 18
PhoenixUK Accepted Answer
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admin Accepted Answer
OK, I've played with that and may aswell still leave it active, as clearly it helps remove spam automated registrations anyway but I had to test and see what difference it made to the two registration forms I'm trying to work with.
This happen because your usergroup field is hidden type but it is still a part of profile.

OK, can you explain a little more what you mean by this (Taking in to account my use of two registration forms) or even show me what you mean, as "you can use a tab with mandatory fields for both registrations" is a little ambiguous in this large topic of mine here, it would be much appreciated.

Example about your needs:
You can organize your fields like so:

- Registration Notification (only for normal registration)
- - field 1

- Organizazion Details (only for normal registration)
- - field1
- - field2
- - field3

- User Details (this will be available for both registration forms)
- - usergroup
- - firstname
- - lastname
- - email
- - avatar (you can hide this with conditions to have only for Guest Blogger)

- Other Tabs (only for normal registration)
- - Other Fields
- - .....

- Complete Your Pre-Registration (only for normal registration)
- - field 1
- - ......
  1. more than a month ago
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PhoenixUK Accepted Answer
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admin Accepted Answer
On Monday we will take a look ;)
  1. more than a month ago
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PhoenixUK Accepted Answer
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  3. # 24
admin Accepted Answer
yes, but today we are very busy, we have to find the time. Probably in about 6 hours.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 25
admin Accepted Answer
I have do these actions:
- Move field "Author Image" to "Registrant Details:"
- Move "ISKH Member Type" to "Registrant Details:"
- Unpublish "Guest Blogger Details:" tab

Url to register normal users at /pre-register-for-an-iskh-account
Url to register guest author at /pre-register-for-an-iskh-account?usertype=guest_blogger#profile-tab3 (READ NOTES)

"#profile-tab3" is necessary to show first visible tab, otherwise will be show first tab but it is hidden, from the next release you can remove this hash from url because automatically will be displayed first visible tab

what is missing?
Now you need to change some labels (tabs and fields), you can also add some HTML delimiter to show dedicated instruction for a specified user type

my thoughts
You expect you to have for Guest Bloggers only Firstname and Avatar to fill, but this s not possible, you can't register Joomla user without email,username and password. I think the best solution is to have a blog component that allows the guest authors (real guest users also for Joomla).

some ideas
If you want to use Easy Profile and need to register Joomla User to post a blog as Guest Author there is a nice alternative:
- Normal Users need to register their account with Registration Form
- Guest Bloggers can register their account via social connect (Facebook,Linkedin,Google + or Twitter)
With this you can have a very quick registration for bloggers.
to add social connect button everywhere you can read our docs at http://docs.easy-profile.com/index.php/article/social-connect-intro
  1. more than a month ago
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PhoenixUK Accepted Answer
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PhoenixUK Accepted Answer
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  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 28
admin Accepted Answer
sorry for late, it was a weekend for us.

This is described at my previous reply: https://www.easy-profile.com/support/multiple-different-registration-forms-possible.html#reply-13359

Anyway in your case you can simply follow these steps:
- Create a field of type "hidden" available in registration form (with alias "is_pmi";)
- Add this condition to this hidden field: if equal to custom value 1 then hide fields ....select all fields to hide...
- The new registration link for PMI will be: https://www.isknow.how/pre-register-for-an-iskh-account?is_pmi=1

Set default value in registration doc: http://docs.easy-profile.com/index.php/article/tips-and-tricks#defaultregistration
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 29
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