Hello There,
I'm here to have an hint about the registration form.
I created 2 registration form using your suggestion described here.
Now, when my hidden field is set to 'Istituto', I get the new tab I added but I also see always the tab with `Name` & `Surname` fields because these are core fields and I read in this forum that cannot be hidden.
So I would like that, when my hidden field is set to `Istituto`, `Surname` field goes automatically filled with word 'do not fill' or hide it at all, while `Name` field goes automatically put equals to a custom field I added called Institute' name.
I think I can reach this stuff with a simple IF statement overriding the regfistration page, if I know the right variables where Name and Surname are stored.
I read that from Easy Profile options is possible to hide Surname field and change label of `Name` field to something else but, if I do this, alla my forms will be affected by this change, instead I want to make this change only in 1 of the 2 forms I created.
I hope I clearly explain my need.
I'm waiting for your courtesy reply.