1. Tony_Rousell
  2. Support
  3. Tuesday, October 07 2014, 10:15 PM
Hello there,

I have found that the password & confirm password fields seem to be back to front when using a field validation plugin from (Link to this plugin attached below)

1. Fill in the "password" field first, it says does not match password.

2 Fill in the "confirm password" field first and then the "password" field second works fine.

So it appears that that the labels need to be changed, then the order and the "password strength" meter needs to be swapped to the other field.

I could be wrong.

Many Thanks
Attachments (3)
  1. http://www.function90.com/products/registration-validation.html
admin Accepted Answer
sorry but password strength meter is not deleveloped by us, this is a hidden feature of Joomla for password field and JForm API, Easy Profile enable this.

So, you may ask to function90 team to consider the modification of this.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
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