1. Marco_Alfano
  2. Support
  3. Wednesday, January 25 2017, 10:39 AM

I'm trying to set up a conditional field as follows:

I have a dropdown list of options, in which just two of them should trigger another text field to display. In detail, I have the following options:

Informatore scientifico

When the user chooses "Medico" or "Farmacista" the field "Numero di iscrizione" should appear.

So, I set two different conditions in which the custom values "Medico" or "Farmacista" of the field are set to make "Numero di iscrizione" field show.

The result on the form is that, if I choose "Farmacista" (the latter option), the conditional field shows correctly. Instead, i f I choose "Medico", the fields shows for just a moment then disappears.

Can you please help me?
Accepted Answer
admin Accepted Answer
this happen because there is a conflict between conditions:
Condition 1:
If field is equal to "Medico" then show field "Numero di iscrizione" else (Two Ways effect) hide field "Numero di iscrizione"
Condition 2:
If field is equal to "Farmacista" then show field "Numero di iscrizione" else (Two Ways effect) hide field "Numero di iscrizione"

Result: when you choose Medico then Condition 1 show field "Numero di iscrizione" but condition 2 hide field "Numero di iscrizione"

Condition 1:
if not equal to custom value (leave empty) custom value then show field "Numero di iscrizione" else (Two Ways effect) hide field "Numero di iscrizione"
Condition 2:
if equal to custom value "Grossista" custom value then hide field "Numero di iscrizione" (Two Ways effect set to No)
Condition 3:
if equal to custom value "Informatore scientifico" custom value then hide field "Numero di iscrizione" (Two Ways effect set to No)
Condition 4:
if equal to custom value "Altro" custom value then hide field "Numero di iscrizione" (Two Ways effect set to No)

- when you choose "Medico" or "Farmacista" then:
Condition1: show field "Numero di iscrizione"
Condition2: nothing
Condition3: nothing
Condition4: nothing
So you will see "Numero Iscrizione"

- when you choose for example "Grossista":
Condition1: show field "Numero di iscrizione"
Condition2: hide field "Numero di iscrizione"
Condition3: nothing
Condition4: nothing
So "Numero Iscrizione" will be hidden
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Marco_Alfano Accepted Answer
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