I am close to what I have been after for the User Profile.
I still have some questions as to how to configure some areas and where that configuration is found. I provided a screen capture from the page to illustrate where I am having some problems.
Some solutions were found while going through the support forum. Some of these solutions raised other problems I can't seem to figure out.
In the Profile there is a menu that was generated (I assume this is for the individual user) with a Blog, Photo's, Video, Topics, etc. selection. Where is this configured? How do I set it up for the individual member/user?
Based on a previous support question I got the Joomgallery plugin and Joomgallery for photo's. Now I have a tab and can't figure out how to configure it. I also don't understand why I would have a tab if there is a photo's selection right below it in the User side menu (highlighted). Where is this side menu configured?
Correct date and time. I have the site default date and time set. How do I set the correct date and time for the profile? The hours and minutes seem to default to the same 4:16 whenever the user logs in.