1. Michael729
  2. Support
  3. Wednesday, June 12 2019, 03:32 AM
Photos from a private group appear in the newsfeed (What's New?) without the comments from the group. Why are the photos visible outside the group?

I posted the first image to a private group. Successful. √
I logged in (webmaster) as a user NOT in that private group. I could not see the private group. √
I scrolled back to the newsfeed and there was the photo without the comment. !!

Why are photos posted in a private group not kept private? I don't see any place to secure that setting.

It seems that the photos that were tagged appear on the newsfeed for everyone. Other photos posted to the private group were not tagged and did not appear on the non-member's newsfeed.

Can this be changed so that photos in private groups, even when tagged, will remain private?
Attachments (2)
Michael729 Accepted Answer
just checking in to see if you had any insights into this problem i posted last week
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 1
admin Accepted Answer
yes, we are investigating. This is not a simple problem, because tagging a user is a public action, so it create a public activity.
This is not a very error, it could be called normal behavior.

I called this "normal behavior" because this is our concept but I know, this can be a bit misunderstood. We are thinking to change behavior for next release.

This is not something related only to groups, for example if I have a provate image and I tag some user, then the tagging action will be public (NOTE: is not public the image but is public the activity and the image attached to the activity).
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 2
Michael729 Accepted Answer
If tagging is a public action, can I remove tagging from private groups? I'm just trying to avoid people tagging comments or photos they think are private because they're in a private group, only to find out that their comment or photo was public.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 3
admin Accepted Answer
to do this please add following line at line 1 in file /plugins/jsn/socialnetwork/app/View/Elements/ajax/photo_detail.ctp
<?php if(isset($photo[Group][type]) && $photo[Group][type] == 2) $can_tag = false; ?>
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 4
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