sorry for late reply, it's a weekend for us and our offices are closed.
I found 2 problems,
Problem 1
now you have options like in field "Anmelden":
so condition 1 and condition 2 are not met because Lehrer
| is different to Lehrer (see screenshot1)
Easy Profile accept also options like
but to avoid problems with charset we recommend to use something like this
see screenshot2 of tip for more details
Problem 2
You have conditions to add to usergroup in 2 fields, Anmelden (radio) and Profile (profille), this cause a conflict because conditions have 2 ways, I explain you an example:
- in registration I choose "Lehrer" in field "Anmelden".
- when I store registration Conditions in field "Anmelden" add me to group "Lehrer" but Conditions in field "Profile" remove me from this usergroup. This is 2 ways effect.
Condition on field "Profile" do this:
if equal to custom value "Lehrer" add to usergroup "Lehrer" else remove from usergroup "Lehrer" (2 ways).
Second, once i see the userprofile and click edit profile, i also see the hidden objects from student so... its kinda not working
Maybe this is due to bad condition, value is "Lehrer|" and condition is "Lehrer"
Third(should i open a new thread?) how do i see/view the documents that i uploaded? for example i am a student and want to see the the cv of the Teacher with could be word or pdf; I have found some aprox solutions via github+youtube but its not a direct way;
You can create a field of type "File" available only for Teachers called CV
so many questions i hope im not boring you to death
No problem, you are welcome