this is not possible natively but there are some workaround and alternatives:
1) Fill splitted values in other fields with Javascript, read here
https://www.easy-profile.com/support/return-google-placesid.html, at this link you will see example for "place_id", but you can do the same to retrieve other informations like street_address, country administrative_area_level_1, administrative_area_level_2, administrative_area_level_3, postal_code, post_box street_number...
2) Fill values by creating a plugin that after store address get details from Google Map API. This method is a bit complex and require many PHP, Joomla Dev, and Google APIs knowledges
Instead using only one field to fill address you can use many other fields. Google Map field allow you to retrieve geo coordinates from other fields. For example you can create following text fields "address", "area", "zip", "country" and use option to get address from these fields (see screenshot)