User's usernames are in the URL of their profiles. This is a significant security/privacy risk for them. How do we fix this so that user's usernames are not in the URL or public in any way?
I see that now. How do I clear out the old URLs with the usernames?
I switched the configuration to use the user IDs instead of the usernames but when I click on the profiles I still see the usernames in the URLs.
I use sh404SEF but I do not see the URLs saved there.
I am not finding any of the urls sh404SEF.
I cannot Purge my entire sh404SEF because that would cause a problem with plenty of our other web pages.
Can you assist with this? Can you point me to where I can find these urls?
follow these steps:
- go to Components->sh404SEF->SEF URLs
- In the left bar select as filter the component "Easy Profile"
- Select all results and click to "Delete with dupl." button
You can select max 100 records, but you have more than 3500 urls to delete, so you need repeat above steps for at least 35 times.
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