
  1. snmp
  2. Support
  3. Saturday, August 23 2014, 04:57 AM
i need images to be able to be uploaded with any size ratio, i have constrained them via css with max-width. The images are pre-cropped so i dont need a size restriction. any help would be appreciated.

also i would like to be able to style the layout of the profile. is this possible, perhaps a feature request.

and thankyou for this, this has been a long awaited functionality for joomla.
admin Accepted Answer
for first problem try to read here:
We plan to implement a parameter in image field to do this in future

perhaps you should consider adding a more elegant solution to the backend..?
Sorry but backend is managed by Joomla com_users, we use our plugin to manage the fields.

Easy Profile use the Joomla MVC model, so to customize Easy Profile you can use Joomla Template Override features.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 1
snmp Accepted Answer
while waiting for you i solved one of my problems. setting up custom css fields and modules to control layout a bit more
perhaps you should consider adding a more elegant solution to the backend..?
just use getApplication to get the id of the current application, then we can use that id to grab whatever value we want for that specific user, since im using this on a business directory kind of scheme, i use a custom field i made called biz_name. so then i can grab the business name and create div id or class for it at the head of the page by:

$cdb = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $cdb->getQuery(true);
$id = JFactory::getApplication()->input->getInt('id', 0);
$query->where($db->quoteName('id')." = ".$db->quote($id));
$result = $db->loadResult();
echo '<div id="' . $result . '-head"><span>{modulepos ' . $result . '}</span></div>';

also you will notice i inserted a modulepos aswell allowing me to insert a module of my choice inside the profile layout
so now i have a div id of business name allow me to style each individual profile page differently
ill probably endup using the tiers that i have created as well as a layout master, so basically i can use an if statement, if tier is blah blah then create this layout scheme. anyways this is a brute way of doing it, im a novice programmer, but im excellent at problem solving. yous guys have a cleaner solution to this? and also the image sizing problem?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 2
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