I am fine tuning easy profile settings and cannot find how to create settings for the Avatar field that I want to.
I want:
- the Avatar field active: no problem;
- the Avatar field not available on the registration form: no problem
- the Avatar field only available for one user group (not for all) on the edit profile form: problem;
- the Avatar field only visible for the user group for which it is available: I can make it so that I create a user list only of members of this group.
The problem is I want only avatars active for a sub-group of all user(accounts). To do this, I need to have the field only available for the one user group, but its settings are not changeable, and are hard-set to public.
I suspect this is because it connects to the core fields of joomla itself somehow.
My question is: is it possible to realise what I want somehow?
Thank you.
Best regards,