Our situation:
We have many members with complete profiles as well as a good number who were legacy members and who have incomplete profiles. When they log in the are presented with a Complete your Profile message.
Other members with complete profiles may log in and are shown their profile.
I think this is because it's the way Easy Profile works when you have the the "Force the compilation of the required fields on login" (note the meaning would be clearer if you use "completion" not compilation"

What we'd like to happen:
We'd like to have a way to select what menu item to send a person to when they log in. We have set the two fields:
- Redirect after first Login
- Redirect after Login
to the Main Menu Home page but what a user sees is the image in the attachments. It shows no menu and were there no breadcrumb navigation information, the user could not get back to the home page and see the menu.
Maybe something else is causing this behavior but if it is, we can't see what it would be.
Your help would be much appreciated.