
  1. Arturo Cortés
  2. Support
  3. Friday, February 05 2016, 05:09 PM

We have purchased your EP component just yesterday and everythinh seems clear except multilingual support. We understand multilingual suport is integrated with joomla multilingual system and that is clear as it was explained in another forum post. We can translate field labels via overrides for english and spanish, however it´s not clear how do you translate field content.

For example HTML field had some text inside ( instructions how to fill fields), so lables are translated but the field content remains in english and we see no way to translate content of HTML field. Other example would be person title ( Mr. Ms. or Mrs.) this is the content of that field and we can not translate it into spanish. I think there is missing one option for joomla core translation sistem in your EP component which is "choose language". With choose language it would be possible to assign english version for english and similar field assign to spanish language. If there is any way around please let us know.

Thank you,
Accepted Answer
admin Accepted Answer
to translate HTML delimiter you can use language constant (see screenshots)

value permitted for constants are

we have added workaround with P tag because HTML editor automatically add this.


To translate Option of some field same way of field titles

Example: option for gender field

constant are MALE and FEMALE

Example: option for title field



With choose language it would be possible to assign english version for english and similar field assign to spanish language. If there is any way around please let us know.
This is not possible because for example Gender field is for all Users, you can't have English gender or Italian gender, this ruins the concept of profiling.


Joomla language override is uncomfortable, there is a fast way. All overrides are stored a simple .ini file into folder /language/override/, in this folder you can create/edit language constants with a simple Text editor:
- /language/override/en-GB.override.ini
- /language/override/fr-FR.override.ini
- /language/override/your-LANG.override.ini
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # Permalink
Arturo Cortés Accepted Answer

Sorry for late reply. Finally we have got it working. Something was stopping html field translation , once we created new field translations started to work.

Thank you
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 1
admin Accepted Answer
tag and without using codemirror text editor but it does not work.
Can you provide me your site details to check this? you can use the form below the reply in "Site Details" tab

How do you translate -- Please select an option-- sentence which is added automaticaly when using fields with options? Placing constant in default value field and translate it does not work either.
This is a string component, to translate component read here:
1) Create override only for this string, the constant is COM_JSN_NOSELECTION
2) Fill "placeholder" parameter in select field options to customize this string with your constant

It´s a pain doing it this way though
I know but this is Joomla language manager.

Have you ever considered using falang for this?
This is not simple because we use JSON format to store options in DB. Anyway we will try to look this feature for future.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 2
Arturo Cortés Accepted Answer
Thank you for your detailed explanation. It´s a pain doing it this way though. We could translate options for some fields, however html delimiter does not work. We tried with <p></p> tag and without using codemirror text editor but it does not work.

How do you translate -- Please select an option-- sentence which is added automaticaly when using fields with options? Placing constant in default value field and translate it does not work either.

Have you ever considered using falang for this?

Thank you for your help,
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 3
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