1. Sarelseekat
  2. Bug Report
  3. Sunday, June 19 2016, 07:00 PM
Hi There

I'm trying to have only allocated user groups have access to edit user accounts and specific fields based on user group. I'm trying to achieve this on the front end after a user search has been run with the user search menu item. This was successful in that the group and child groups selected with permission to edit user account can do so.

The other issue is that all user fields and user groups are visible and editable even when I set Availability and visibility settings to higher or lower joomla user permissions. It appears that the availability and visibility setting does absolutely nothing to allow access to fields and groups on the front end for editing. Haven't tested the backend editability for fields with assigned availability and visibility settings.

Please help
  1. http://crcmembers.co.za
admin Accepted Answer
can you please specific an example?
- Specific one field to test
- Specific an user (or usergroup) that make this problem
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Bug Report
  3. # 1
admin Accepted Answer
Still, I need also backend access to check configuration of field and of ACLs
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Bug Report
  3. # 2
admin Accepted Answer
this not a bug, admins are who can edit profiles, and admin need to see all fields.

This is necessary to not break workflow, a small example:
Email address is important and necessary field, in the most of cases this field should have Visibility parameter set to "Special" (Only Super Users can see this for SPAM purpose).
but who edit profile need to have this field in edit profile page, otherwise Joomla will not store changes*.

*Remember that Easy Profile improve Joomla user management (not replace), so, we can't change Joomla behavior.

definitely, you can not choose permissions for editing individual fields.

see screenshot of tooltip
Attachments (1)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Bug Report
  3. # 3
Sarelseekat Accepted Answer
Content Protected
  1. http://crcmembers.co.za
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Bug Report
  3. # 4
admin Accepted Answer
"Supervisors", "HomeCell Leaders" and "Coordinators" are admins and can see and edit all profiles. I think that there be a misunderstanding about "Availability" parameter.

I will try to explain you how it works with a small example:
The field "NMO Membership" is available only for "Coordinator", so only profiles with this ACL will have this field in their profile, "Availability" parameter is useful when you want profile different user types.
Another Example:
2 usergroups with 2 ACL
- Job seekers
- Employers
A field like "Curriculum" need to be available only for "Job seekers" profiles
A field like "Company Name" need to be available only for "Employers" profiles
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Bug Report
  3. # 5
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