1. davidunwin
  2. Bug Report
  3. Monday, August 06 2018, 11:21 AM
When we installed the Social Network plugin there were 2 default roles, Super Admin and Admin.
I changed the name of the Admin to Member.
I then added a new role Admin.
So now I have 3 roles (See Screen shot - Roles Manager)
I want certain users to have new Admin Role. However when I try to select Admin Role from the drop down
I can only see Super Admin and Member, NOT Admin (see screenshots Users Manager and Users Manager (1))

Also I can't see what the Roles Options Super Admin=Yes or No and Admin = Yes Or No actually do ( (See Screen shot - Roles Manager(2))... Can someone explain these options??

Kind regards
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admin Accepted Answer
you have changed default roles, but keep in mind that default roles works so:
- ID:1 - Super Admins
- ID:2 - Members - This role will be assigned to all new registered users automatically
- ID:3 - Guest - This is the role assigned to all Guests and it is not assignable to the registered users

So, if you want to add some other role then you need to create it.

Differences between Admin and Super Admin:
Basically Admins are moderators, then can edit/delete entry from other users, also they have access to some function in Admin Panel like Groups manager, Album manager,... Mainly they can't change behavior of the plugin like System Settings.
Super Admins will have access to all parts of the plugin.
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