
  1. resif
  2. General
  3. Thursday, December 16 2021, 04:01 PM

i want to changing default MAP km for 5km or less like 3 its now 10 km
and there is no 3km options
admin Accepted Answer
sorry this is not possible with a simple way. You should change the source code.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 1
resif Accepted Answer
what page? i will find a way
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 2
admin Accepted Answer
The code that render the Gmap Filters are into file /administrator/components/com_jsn/helpers/fields/gmap.php from line 294
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 3
resif Accepted Answer
i meant it for map module bcos its default 10km on map module
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 4
admin Accepted Answer
Ok, you can add this option in file /administrator/components/com_jsn/helpers/fields/gmap.xml between lines 132 and 133
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 5
resif Accepted Answer
i changed default as 3km and ai added 3 km
but nothing changed..
why you are not giving the right solution in one time
this i s not special custom
its a ordinary a edit.. i wan to chaning km options...
i didnt want road line as exrta field
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 6
resif Accepted Answer
i added finanly but not seeking as defult 3km on map module
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 7
joecan Accepted Answer
I bet if you wait one week, it just might be in the new release.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 8
admin Accepted Answer
i changed default as 3km and ai added 3 km
but nothing changed..

the way explained is correct, probably there is some error in the code added at file /administrator/components/com_jsn/helpers/fields/gmap.php

why you are not giving the right solution in one time
In the my first reply there are all necessary informations, since your subscription was expired almost a year ago, we suppose that your files may be different from files of current version, so we are not able to send accurate infomations. In the .XML file you can add the option "3" but this is not necessary since you can force directly the default value from the .PHP file.

I bet if you wait one week, it just might be in the new release.
For us is not a problem, but @resif should not be able to download the next version.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 9
resif Accepted Answer
so all your tricks for money so my subsciprtion experied 1 year ago wowww.... who said i am earning money over your software.. if i were asked this simple optiosn when i purchashed you would this same day bcos i was a paid custumer...
your social network software also not working properly but i never blamed you you keept corrupted a social network plugin...... you are living for money its clear yoru are not a honest person i see you a scammer now..
i am still a paid custumer i am not using a free version.. i paid 33 euro... you should be ashamed saying for this...
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 10
resif Accepted Answer
i never created a csutom ticket i wrote here forum so others can see your missing map logic...

1 km 5km 10km.. and there is no 3 km and we can manage even deafult km as even 5km or 15km or different..

when you see this question you should be glad firstly you should be ashamed for asking renew my paid subscribtion and edit this feature like my said.. bcos my qeustion i asked should be basic a feaure for this software...
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 11
admin Accepted Answer
we cannot accept these words on our forum.
I don't live for money, but I work for money (plus this infrastructure costs me money). We don't ask for donations or money support but we sell a service, we are not an ONG, we are professionists.

i paid 33 euro... you should be ashamed saying for this...

We sell support and download service for 1 year for only 29.90 euros (not 33). with this price you can just buy 20 minutes of a Senior PHP developer. In almost 2 years you have opened almost 30 tickets and we have always replied to you (more than 20 minutes, but some hours)

In practice, although we have answered you, if you are not satisfied you insult us. This is intolerable.

I hope there was just a misunderstanding, I just wrote that:
- I can't give you a precise solution because probably the gmap.php file is different from ours because it comes from an old version.
- What @joecan wrote is reasonable but it is not a solution for you as your support and your download services has ended.
- I have pointed you on the right direction...I wrote "The code that render the Gmap Filters are into file /administrator/components/com_jsn/helpers/fields/gmap.php from line 294" current release after line 294 there is this code
<option '.($radius==1 ? 'selected="selected"' : '').' value="1">1 '.JText::_('COM_JSN_'.$field->params->get('gmap_unit','Km')).'</option>
<option '.($radius==5 ? 'selected="selected"' : '').' value="5">5 '.JText::_('COM_JSN_'.$field->params->get('gmap_unit','Km')).'</option>
<option '.($radius==10 ? 'selected="selected"' : '').' value="10">10 '.JText::_('COM_JSN_'.$field->params->get('gmap_unit','Km')).'</option>
you need only to copy one line and change value to 3 for the new line. The solution is very simple, also we have tested before reply to you and worked. So my reply was "the way explained is correct, probably there is some error in the code added at file /administrator/components/com_jsn/helpers/fields/gmap.php".
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 12
resif Accepted Answer
i added this before you said it works but i want to make default setting 3km on search module
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 13
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