1. QuickScriptz
  2. Features Request
  3. Thursday, September 21 2017, 04:40 AM
Hi there,

We have some custom fields that when saved/updated/changed, need to also update other tables in our DB with the same information. For instance, we have a field called "Phone Number", and when you save changes to this field, we also need to update another table in our database with your new "Phone Number". Having something like Conditions where you can specify that a field maps to another table/field would be really helpful (similar to the RSForm! feature called "Mapping";).

Alternatively, if there are existing hooks we could use to achieve this functionality, that would be great to know too.

admin Accepted Answer
sorry for late reply, it was night for us :D

to do this you need to develop a plugin that make this. This seems complex but in reality is something very simple :D

Please follow these steps:
- Download, Install and Enable Skeleton Plugin (you will find it at http://docs.easy-profile.com/index.php/article/triggers)
- Open file /plugins/jsn/skeleton/skeleton.php
- Remove samples functions: triggerFieldAvatarUpdate, triggerProfileUpdate
- add function like this:
public function triggerProfileUpdate($user, &$data, $changed, $isNew)
$value = $data['alias_of_phone_field'];
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = 'UPDATE your_table SET phone_column = ' . $db->quote($value) . ' WHERE user_id = ' . $user->id ;
$result = $db->execute();
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Features Request
  3. # 1
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