Where do I set these field conditions...You can set field's conditions in edit field view (Component->Easy Profile->Choose the field->Go in Conditions section)
When I use the Create Registration I get only the regular registration formHi, I see the form that comes from Joomla and Easy Profile, and this is correct. You does not see many fields because you have set for these fields to be "Available" for "Registered" users...so a guest user does not have available these fields (see screenshots). Set these fields to be "Available" for "Public" users
Do I turn on Easy Profile's registration and turn off Joomla's?Easy Profile extends Joomla user management (not replace it), so the registration form is the same of Joomla (improved with plugins)
I would like to use recaptcha to keep bots inhibited.You can do it with the same way of Joomla:
Now how do I set Easy Profile to handle the registration process?Just create a menu item of type Users->Registration form (same of Joomla)
I would like to use Facebook as a way to log in... Does that work for existing members who were created by importing via Easy Profile?When already registered users try to login via Facebook then they need to fill username and password to link own account with Facebook (or specify another email* address to create a new linked account)
Now how do I set Easy Profile to handle the registration process?Same as Joomla, Easy Profile's registration page is the Joomla registration page.
But the Logon Module is placed in a position... and has a "create account" Do I turn on registration in on User Manage Options?This sound strange, if you have disabled the Registration from User Manage Options then the link "Create an account" should not be visible. Anyway this is something regards Joomla and maybe the template override.
Do I unpublish the Joomla Logon Module? Do I make a module for Easy Profile?Easy Profile extends Joomla user management (not replace), and the login module is provided by Joomla....choosing to use the login module depends on your preferences. Easy Profile does not provide any login module.
Can you assign groups in the registration process?Yes, with fields conditions
Okay if this is the case why would I have to create a menu item for easy profile registration
Second problem I am getting is that the token sent out in the email.. seems to be incorrect and I get this error... when they click on the link provided in the email.This comes from Joomla and not Easy Profile, the class UserModelRegistration is in the Joomla file /components/com_users/model/registration.php. When you click to activation link, are you already logged in?
"call to undefined method
Setting the registrant into two groups after registration? Enlisted and Registered Groups how can I do this? what conditions do I set to accomplish this?All users must be into Registered usergroup, this is configured in Joomla and. all users need to belong to this group. To assign a user to another user group you can use a condition like:
public function triggerProfileUpdate($user,&$data,$changed,$isNew){
if($isNew) { /* Only new users */
$data['status'] = "enlisted"; /* Assign the value */
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