
  1. tonnick
  2. General
  3. Monday, March 02 2015, 09:41 AM

I can see the plugin to import users, but I can't see option to export them. did I miss something ? thx for your help !
tonnick Accepted Answer

ok and is it something we could expect to be implemented soon ?
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 1
carnalimr Accepted Answer
I am also very disappointed now that I've realized there is no export function. Especially when it does such a good job of being able to create, filter, etc from the front end on users. I think this is a relative easy with for your dev team. Can you please let us know if at all you plan to reprioritize?
  1. more than a month ago
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linskill Accepted Answer
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  1. more than a month ago
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tonnick Accepted Answer
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  1. more than a month ago
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admin Accepted Answer
@fabien @patrick is not so simple, it is a small business (for now :) ) and of course we also take care of other things (we are freelance). We try to give the maximum support, and to increase the efficiency in the development we should increase our team. Unfortunately we can not handle this simply by charging a plugin.

I gave this a bit of thought, Now I haven't tested it but you may be able to use RS forms pro to create the users (which does have an export to csv function) along with easyprofile - as I said, just a thought.

I found also this:
  1. more than a month ago
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admin Accepted Answer
sorry this is not a feature.
  1. more than a month ago
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lugoluz Accepted Answer
  1. more than a month ago
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admin Accepted Answer
I'm sorry but we have also wrote
certainly. but now prefer to concentrate on the following plugins:
- assign usergroup on field value or socialnetwork login
- integrations with most popular joomla component (first acymailing)
- the big plugin to switch easy profile in social network
- possibility to delete or deactive your profile

- assign usergroup on field value or socialnetwork login - COMPLETED
- integrations with most popular joomla component (first acymailing) - FOR NOW ONLY ACYMAILING, we are working on integration with Joomla Articles,Kunena,EasyBlog,CJBlog,EasyDiscuss
- the big plugin to switch easy profile in social network - STATUS 90%, we have a RC, not stable version
- possibility to delete or deactive your profile - REJECTED, in Social Network plugin there is an option to send a report to the moderator to request the cancellation to your profile

As I said this is not a priority
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 8
linskill Accepted Answer
If it helps,
I found the easy way to export users was to go in to your database and export the jsn_users table to a csv file.
A little bit of work on the mappings and 15mins later they were all contacts in CE.
  1. more than a month ago
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linskill Accepted Answer
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  1. more than a month ago
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admin Accepted Answer
Can you please let us know if at all you plan to reprioritize?
No sorry, our team is committed to the development of new features, writing documentation of the Social Network plugin, bug fixes and support.
  1. more than a month ago
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pat01 Accepted Answer
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  1. more than a month ago
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linskill Accepted Answer
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pat01 Accepted Answer
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  1. more than a month ago
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admin Accepted Answer
Hi Patrick,
Easy Profile is only a profiler component and it use Joomla User Managment, so export function is not a feature.

your customers are asking for the Export function
Our customers ask many feature, and in most cases we will settle them.

I don't understand, why you don't add this feature.

We have already explained that we are involved in other projects ( and that this is not a priority.

But you still deny to implement it.

Since Easy Profile has no Export feature and obviously never will have, this software is a NoGo for me.
This is very sad because besides the lack of the Export function it would be a really good software!

Before you criticize our work and our choices of priorities, please keep in mind that for us and for our customers is more important to maintain a low price.

Community builder* / Jomsocial / EasySocial not have export function and are much more expensive.

*Exports component for Community builder was developed from another Vendors
  1. more than a month ago
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pat01 Accepted Answer
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  1. more than a month ago
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linskill Accepted Answer
I gave this a bit of thought, Now I haven't tested it but you may be able to use RS forms pro to create the users (which does have an export to csv function) along with easyprofile - as I said, just a thought.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 17
linskill Accepted Answer
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  1. more than a month ago
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admin Accepted Answer
I am sorry but this is not a feature, we have already said that in the future we will do it, but now we have other priorities. in the coming weeks we will release several plugins to show Joomla articles and Kunena post (post, subscriptions, favorite) on the profile.

by a lot of people for a long time
Some users ask for this feature, but they require it in a different way.
Export feature is complex to meet all users's requirements
- Backend or Frontend? integration with lists? to come in against all users who ask for this feature is not just a simple button to export
- Filters?
- Output formats (CSV, PDF, ZIP)

Both of those solutions are not ideal, let a lone when I've asked if we can finance you guys to develop this and the answer has been no.
develop a plug-in/component ad hoc and stop our activities is very difficult for us, many developers are asking thousands of Euros for this.
  1. more than a month ago
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carnalimr Accepted Answer
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  1. more than a month ago
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stip Accepted Answer
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  1. more than a month ago
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admin Accepted Answer
If this function was available i would be satisfied and i think allot more if its also ok to export in pypmyadmin.

now you can use some other alternative like (we never tried)

like allot other extensions, EasySocial, extendedreg, community builder, jomsocial

Otherwise i have to go to a overkill extension because of the export :-S

Easy Social - not have export options (not in features) - 178$/year
Jomsocial - not have export options (not in features and demo) - 198€/year
extendedreg - Never tried but in features list not export users - ??? I dont' know
community builder - not have export options - 239€/year
All import/export features are provided from other vendors.. for us and for our customers is important to maintain a low price.

Just select and export to excel (maybe csv)
this does not meet the requirements of customers.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 22
chrummbach Accepted Answer
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  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 23
admin Accepted Answer
it does not make sense to program an user management

Easy Profile is not a user manager component, it extends Joomla user management, registration and edit profile (frontend and backend) are the same of Joomla (tabs are generated with javascript and custom fields with user plugin).
Still, we offer a free version to evaluate our product.

Don't compare yourself to the competition as an excuse
we do not need to excuse, this simply is not a feature as components more expensive, famous and popular.

Try to be better!
In this topic you will see our todo list:
1. assign usergroup on field value or socialnetwork login - COMPLETED
2. integrations with most popular joomla component (first acymailing) - FOR NOW ONLY ACYMAILING, we are working on integration with Joomla Articles,Kunena,EasyBlog,CJBlog,EasyDiscuss
3. the big plugin to switch easy profile in social network - STATUS 90%, we have a RC, not stable version
4. possibility to delete or deactive your profile - REJECTED, in Social Network plugin there is an option to send a report to the moderator to request the cancellation to your profile

1. Completed
2. is now completed (except CJBlog), we just released the plugin only one week ago.
3. Completed (3 months ago)
4. Rejected

For future we plan many others improvements, also export users in Users List/Users Table menu item.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 24
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