You have some problem in your template, most have been resolved.
1. [SOLVED] Your template override Joomla registration/edit profile manager with no Bootstrap compliant forms. To solve this we have removed overrides, so we have renamed 2 files
- /templates/gk_university/html/com_users/profile/edit.php -> /templates/gk_university/html/com_users/profile/edit-old.php
- /templates/gk_university/html/com_users/registration/default.php -> /templates/gk_university/html/com_users/profile/edit-old.php
2. [SOLVED] Your template not include Bootstrap CSS or any style for some Bootstrap Classes
To solve this we have enabled parameter "Include Bootstrap CSS file" in Easy Profile Options
3. [SOLVED] In Registration/Edit profile "mootools more" javascript library is called after jQuery, this create some conflict (this is a Joomla issue). This is a known problem in Joomla environment and hope that the developers will solve soon. Some extensions (plugins or modules) loaded the library Mootools More after jQuery, this create some conflict. From Joomla 3.x the default JavaScript functions do not use more 'Mootools', but some old component to keep same code developed for J2.5 use it anyway. Mootools is also very heavy (>300Kb).
Anyway to solve this we have added this code in parameter Extensions->Templates->"gk_university - Default"->"Advanced Settings->Custom CSS code
.bsdate{display:table !important;}
4. [NOT SOLVED] For some reason when you click to "Next" button in registration page or in some Tab link the page is reloaded, this error become even when you try to edit some Joomla article from Frontend, so this is not due to Easy Profile or some conflict or incompatibility with our software. We will recommend you to ask to your template provider