
  1. dladuron
  2. Support
  3. Saturday, December 19 2015, 02:06 AM
Rebuilt site to handle new easy profile release.

On search it links to the wrong url

New site bad link:

On old site it worked:

What is causing this and what can I do to fix it

Thank you
admin Accepted Answer
you need to create a menu item of type Easy Profile->User Profile to catch correct menu item for profiles.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 1
dladuron Accepted Answer
I have a hidden menu of: Easy Profile » profile
and a main menu of:: Users » User Profile

I have also tried switching the two around
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 2
dladuron Accepted Answer
found the issue to be with the newest version PRO 1.3.13
- I tried to roll back to the previous version but the error continued.
- I uninstalled it and all the plugins however i get an error trying to reinstall

I do not know if the issue is due to the newest security release from joomla but everything was working on my live site and when I loaded 1.3.13 on that one it caused the same issue now I have a site that is broken.

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 3
admin Accepted Answer
your template overrides are no more compatible with Easy Profile, try to remove it.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 4
dladuron Accepted Answer
1) I uninstalled the newest version of easy profile pro 1.3.13 however I am now having errors reinstalling an older version. I get the following error:
Table jsn_fields doesn't exist SQL=ALTER TABLE jsn_fields add edit tinyint (1) not null default 0
Package update there is an error installing an extension JSN. Zip
2) you have blocked me from getting to your site my IP is 24. 17. 238. 190
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 5
admin Accepted Answer
- We have installed latest version for you
- We have renamed file from /templates/t3_blank/html/com_jsn/list/table_user.php to /templates/t3_blank/html/com_jsn/list/oldtable_user.php
Now all works (tested on /http://index.php/client-search), we recommend you to remove also default_user.php override from same directory

2) Block removed, I don't know why you are blocked. Admin tools sometimes is too efficient :D
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 6
dladuron Accepted Answer
Thank you.

1) will I be able to re-code a template override or will that cause errors with new easy profile 1.3.13 release?

2) I want to publish the middle name field but it will not allow me to over ride it even when changing it in the DB - any ideas
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 7
admin Accepted Answer
will I be able to re-code a template override or will that cause errors with new easy profile 1.3.13 release?

in the latest releases we have solved some route problem, so we have changed all link to users profiles. You can only change href attribute for each user link in files table_user.php and default_user.php with
<?php echo $this->user->getLink(); ?>
<?php echo JRoute::_(......); ?>

I think with only this modifications your overrides will works.

I want to publish the middle name field but it will not allow me to over ride it even when changing it in the DB - any ideas
You can enable middle name field from Easy Profile options, set "name style" parameter to "firstname secondname lastname"
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Support
  3. # 8
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