
  1. peanutp
  2. Presales Question
  3. Friday, September 11 2015, 11:17 AM

I'm looking for a profile extension to bring all my extensions together and have a single profile. I want users to be able to update their profiles via the Joomla edit profile link and then have it apply across the site.

Do you have a list of all the extensions your profile works with?


peanutp Accepted Answer
One of thing to add. I currently use a Social Connect logon extension from Joomlaworks and users logon using fb, twitter, etc... Would I be able to migrate Social users who have logged on before across to your plugin?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 1
admin Accepted Answer
You will see integrations package in our download area, maybe try to see docs about our Jomsocial Bridge at

Others integration:
- Kunena native plugin to link Easy Profile profile page and avatar here:
on this page you will see also a preview to add Kunena tabs on profile page (beta)
- Joomla articles tab coming soon

One of thing to add. I currently use a Social Connect logon extension from Joomlaworks and users logon using fb, twitter, etc... Would I be able to migrate Social users who have logged on before across to your plugin?
Sorry I don't know, we have no experience with Social Connect logon from Joomlaworks
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 2
peanutp2 Accepted Answer
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 3
peanutp Accepted Answer
Bit of a weird issue with your forums, every time I paste in my reply I typed in a text editor, your site doesn't post it and bans me... Have attached the reply instead!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 4
peanutp Accepted Answer
thanks for the reply. Social bridge looks good :-) Couple of questions
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 5
admin Accepted Answer
we are investigating to find out why "admin tools" continues to block your ip. When you reply to some question you use double click on "Reply" button?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 6
peanutp Accepted Answer
See attached.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 7
peanutp Accepted Answer
Very odd why I cannot paste in my original message?? Even if I type it out again into this box, it fails???

Is there a limit of characters? Or doesn't like pasting. Or something in the text it doesn't like? Anyway, I have screenshot my message! Hopefully this message will post too. Very weird!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 8
admin Accepted Answer
Very odd why I cannot paste in my original message?? Even if I type it out again into this box, it fails???
Sorry I don't know, we use EasyDiscuss forum and Admin Tools for security. These components are very popular and you are the only one that this happens.

Reply to your questions:
1. The username is generated by the system, it has a format like "Firstname_Lastname". There are, however, these exceptions:
- Name (firstname and lastname) not contain UTF8 chars, Username will become "user_RANDOMCODE"
- Username already exists, Username will become "Firstname_Lastname_RANDOMCODE"

2. When user register with Social Connect and email already exists, the system will ask you to put credential to link existing profile, or specify a different email address.

For our system, the username is not important, it controls only the email address to check the existence of a user.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 9
peanutp Accepted Answer
Thanks for the info. I think I can migrate then, certainly worth a test .

Cheers Pete

P.s. Replying using my mobile phone seems to work. Must be something on my PC causing the other issue.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 10
peanutp Accepted Answer
If I was to re-import (or delete and import) my existing social users with your import user plugin, would that avoid Social Connect showing the message saying the email address already in use? Thinking if my existing social users were re-imported they would be recognised as Social Connect users and logon without the email exists message.

thanks Pete
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 11
admin Accepted Answer
I don't know how to work your previous Social login, but if this plugin has saved the ID of the user provided by the social network, then you can also import this ID.

You can build a CSV like this:
John;Doe;[email protected];if_of_facebook;;;; (example for Facebook user)

You need to test this.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 12
peanutp Accepted Answer
Thank you for the suggestions.

My existing extension doesn't capture the number ID generated by the logon api's from the social media companies. without that migration of existing social users is impossible.

So decision time for me; install easyprofile and delete existing users or not.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 13
admin Accepted Answer
There could be another solutions

Solution 1
you could modify the sources of our plugin ... if you find email addresses existing associates them to the social profile (skip email address existing step).

- This might be less safe, a user who creates a social account with email address of one of your already existing user can access a profile of your user
- this is not possible with Twitter, it never share email address

maybe you can keep this modification for 6 months.

we can help you to do this, but tomorrow, now it s late for us and our offices are closed

Solution 2
you can keep your users, simply they needs to reset their password to access with joomla normal login, you can send a newsletter to inform your users. many newsletter component (like acymailing) give a possibility to include user data in email, so you can inform to your users his username and invites him to reset his password
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 14
peanutp Accepted Answer
Content Protected
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 15
admin Accepted Answer
we have sent you a Email with custom file ;)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 16
peanutp Accepted Answer
Excellent, thank you. Just received the email.

just refreshing my dev box (as a complete mess with testing!) and will then give it a try. Will let you know how it goes.

cheers Pete
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 17
peanutp Accepted Answer
Sent you an email back. Not sure if you monitor that email address for support.

cheers Pete
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 18
peanutp Accepted Answer
Just to let you know that I have successfully migrated my live site tonight :-)

The issues with firstname and surname I had on my DEV site didn't occur which saved me lots of work.

thanks for your help again, great technical support.

cheers Pete
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 19
peanutp Accepted Answer

With the release of Easy Profile 1.3.12, can I upgrade and keep the custom file you sent, or do I need a new version? If a new version, are you able to send me the code change and i can make it?

thanks Pete
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 20
admin Accepted Answer
I sent you an mail with your custom file ;)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 21
peanutp Accepted Answer
Awesome, thank you :-)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 22
peanutp Accepted Answer
Hello Again!

I'm would like to upgrade the latest version available. Could you please send me an updated file or the details of the change you make for this? Next time I can just update the myself.

cheers Pete
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 23
admin Accepted Answer
you can download and install latest version over the old, it will make an upgrade.

Could you please send me an updated file or the details of the change you make for this?
we modified the 90% of the PHP files, this to make compatibility with new PHP 7 and coming soon Joomla 3.5 (should be released this month).
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 24
peanutp Accepted Answer
Content Protected
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 25
admin Accepted Answer
ah ok, I have found old communications.

add this code at line 634 of file /plugins/jsn/socialconnect/socialconnect.php
$query='UPDATE #__jsn_users SET '.$db->quoteName($this->gen->fieldname).' = '.$db->quote($connectUser->id).' WHERE id = '.(int) $emailExists;
return true;

This code skip confirm/registration already existing email step.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 26
peanutp Accepted Answer
Brilliant, thanks for your help again!

cheers Pete
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
  3. # 27
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