
  1. peakoverload
  2. Presales Question
  3. Saturday, March 04 2017, 09:17 PM
I'm really interested in this extension and have been testing the free version but have a couple of further questions.

1. I want to create a field group where users can record their high scores (we are a sports club). As the number of high scores for each member will vary depending on what games they have played is it possible to allow the user to effectively create a new row/field each time they want to enter a score? Potentially there are up to 100 different games that someone could create a high score for which would be really too big if we had to have all the fields always visible especially as nobody will have played all of them.

2. Whilst I know it's possible to choose to hide or show a field, lets say there is a field that generally you want shown but if someone hasn't entered anything in that field yet, is it possible for that field to be hidden until they do enter something in?

3 Is it possible to change the layout of the user profile page like rather than having the fields all in 1 column to have them in 2 columns, perhaps include other none form text etc?
admin Accepted Answer
sorry for late reply, it was a weekend for us :D

1) Sorry this is not possible, to manage this we recommend a dedicated extension.

2) Yes this is possible, you can set this in Easy Profile options, parameter is called "Hide Empty Fields on Profile" and you will find it in "Layout Settings" tab

3) Easy Profile is written with Joomla MVC model, so you can override and customize layout files, for example to override profile page you can copy file from /components/com_jsn/views/profile/tmpl/default.php into /templates/your-template-folder/html/com_jsn/profile/default.php and customize the new file. NOTE: something like this require a minimum of PHP and Joomla Dev Knowledges.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Presales Question
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