I am using Easy Profile 2.0.1 with the import plugin (version 1.1.0) on Joomla 3.6.2, and PHP version 5.6.24. I have been testing the import for a little while now, while I tweak the data being exported from the system we are moving from. The testing was working properly. Then suddenly, it stopped working and I started seeing bizarre behavior.
What I found were things like this:
- All imports are done with the "Overwrite existing user" option set to Yes.
- My profiles are all using First, Middle and Last names.
- The import shows as successful and included an update to the name of the user I am testing with.
- I would look in the User Manager listing of users and would find the user listed there with the newly imported name.
- If I open the user record, and I look at the "Account Details" tab the name listed there is not updated and I still see the old spelling of the name.
- I can close the record, and look at the users in the listing in User Manager, and still see the newly imported name.
- If I open the user record again and look at the rest of the fields that would have been populated or updated, I find none of them were updated with the import.
- Then if I save and close the record, the name of the user listed in User Manager reverts back to the name I am seeing in the record, which is the old information that I was trying to replace with the import.
Has anyone ever had issues like this? I am stumped, and really need the import process to work.
Any help or ideas would be appreciated. Thank you.